Sunday, August 30, 2009

2009-10 Class Syllabus

Below is a copy of the syllabus for this year. I use an application called Scribd to post documents that you can view, download, and print to your own computer at any time you'd like. If you ever lose a handout/gradesheet, come to the blog to print out an extra copy. If you click on the document and nothing appears on your screen, you may have a web browser that needs updating! Let me know if you have any problems.

Art I Course Syllabus 2009-10

Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome to Art Class at Reservoir High School!

Hello everyone,

Welcome to Reservoir High School's Visual Arts department! This blog will be our virtual classroom for the year which will allow you to access important art slideshows, assignments/due dates, class links, and other helpful information. Keep this site bookmarked in your web browser, and check in often to see what's going on in class!

Also, please note that at the right, there is a direct link to the Reservoir Art Department website. This site will connect you to all of the other art and photo classes happening at Reservoir, as well as provide you important links to school art contests, supplies, and links to our club, NAHS (National Art Honor Society), as well as other helpful items.

Lastly, if you have any questions throughout the year, you can contact me at my email address to the right, (