Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Classwork #1: Block Drawings

As our first formal drawing unit in class, we've been drawing blocks. Why? They're simple forms, and they allow us to easily practice very basic, but very important art and drawings skills like arranging an interesting composition, shading to show contrasting values, measuring size relationships, and learning to make a drawing look 3D with form. It also allows us to practice using a new drawing media, charcoal!

Below is the rubric that will be used to grade your block drawing, and will also help us structure our critique. Your block drawing should be finished by the end of class on Friday, Sept. 2nd.

Block Drawings assessment

Sketchbook #2: Super-Size Me

For your next sketchbook assignment, I'd like you to think big, but start with something small. Find a small object (should fit inside your hand) and do a close up drawing of it.

-Your drawing should be zoomed in to capture the object at least 5 times larger than it actually is.
-Create an interesting composition by experimenting with the size, angle, and placement of your object on your page.
-Your drawing should go off/touch at least two edges of the page.
-Your drawing should show a full range of values (shading) to illustrate the light and shadows you see.

**For a challenge: Capture reflections and shadows. Consider using more than one of your object or an object that is more complex or unique!

DUE: Thursday, Oct. 8th!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sketchbook #1: Spoon in a Glass of Water

Drawing by Todd Ford

Find an interesting clear drinking glass. Fill it about half way with water. Place a metal spoon in the glass of water. Carefully observe what you see. Create a drawing that captures what you see in an interesting way. Show a variety of line quality. Consider an interesting angle, and have your drawing take up the space on the page, just like we did in class with our shoes. Add value (shading) to your drawing.

Your drawing will be graded on the following:

1) Uses the entire page, (touches at least two edges of the page)

2) Shows evidence of being drawn from life (don't make it up!)

3) Uses a variety of line quality (remember the artist's styles we looked at in class)

4) Demonstrates at least an hour of observed study. (Take your time and do your best!)

5) For an extra challenge, show shading of all the different values that you see. (Include shadows and reflections!)

Create your drawing on one page in your sketchbook. If you don't own a sketchbook, use the very back page of your visual journal, (there will be enough room for sketchbook assignments in your journal).

DUE: Tues. Sept. 22nd!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Visual Journal: An Introduction

The visual journal is way for you to express your ideas, your jokes, your interests, your concerns, and your life in a visual way. Every four weeks, you will need to complete three assignments in the order they are given on the sheet below. The rules are simple:

1) Respond to each word/phrase creatively, artistically and personally.

2) Avoid clichés and easy solutions. Avoid the first answer that comes to mind, (it's usually what everyone else will think of too. Consider what this word means to you, don't just think about it literally.

3) Don't use the same media combination more than twice! (Media is the art material you use in your artwork. Experiment with different combinations of each. Try out different media we experiment with in class!

The journals will be graded based upon four criteria:

Objective/Creativity- To what extent did you think about the word, brainstorm ideas, and create a unique, personal response? Did you do the first thing that came to mind, or did you take some time to solve it in a personal way?

Design-How do you use the space of the page? Do you go off the edges and think about composition, or did you just randomly place things around the page or in the center?

Media Skills & Application- How do you use and apply art materials? Do you practice with the media first before using it in your journal, or do you just wing it and hope for the best? Do you attempt and use a variety of media techniques, or do you only use pencil?

Presentation/Craftsmanship- How much time did you invest in the assignment? Is there evidence of thought and careful craftsmanship for each assignment? Or, did you rush and finish it five minutes before it's due? Remember, you are only assigned 3-4 entries per month. Each page in your visual journal should take at least 45 minutes worth of work.

Check out the slideshow to the right that has lots of ideas and suggestions for creating an awesome visual journal entry!

Below is a list of the visual journal assignments and due dates for this school year. Please refer to this often in case you forget or lose your assignment sheet!

Art 1 Visual Journal Assignments (09-10) height="500" width="100%" > value="http://d.scribd.com/ScribdViewer.swf?document_id=19767393&access_key=key-2hejhntlgtugmvc0w7ck&page=1&version=1&viewMode=">

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Contour Line Drawing

To learn how to draw, we first need to learn how to trust ourselves, and not make something appear perfect to start.  A contour line drawing is a drawing made by observing the outside and inside lines that make up a form.  Often these lines connect.  This type of drawing is loosely made, focusing on the many lines of the form, not just an outline.

For your first in-class assignment, you will complete two more drawings of your hand. 
The first drawing will be a simple contour line drawing of your hand in a simple pose that experiments with different line weights and types.  The second drawing will be of your hand in a slightly more complex pose, combining contour lines with detail and shading.

Your drawings will be graded based on the following criteria:

1) Use of class time and focused observation.
2) Use of contour line and variety of line weights.
3) Shows your entire hand, and sleeve or arm of your shirt.
4) Shows your best effort.

Your four drawings will be graded together for 40 points, the final drawing will be worth 20 points.