Thursday, December 3, 2009

Homework Assignment: Illustrate a Personal Journey

In preparation for our next unit, I would like you to think about an important journey, experience, or trip you have taken in your life. It may have been a trip that was to a far away place, or it may have been just down the street. Regardless, it should be an event that you remember well, and has left a positive impression on you.

First, complete the "Illustrate a Personal Journey" worksheet by responding to the questions with complete sentences. It will help you brainstorm and remember trips you may have taken in the past.

Illustrate a Personal Journey Wksht height="500" width="100%" > value="">

Then, go on an image search. Find 8-10 photos, souvenirs, keepsakes, or other imagery that you still have that documents your trip. Gather this "visual evidence" together in a ziploc bag and bring them to class next. Thursday, 12/10, along with the worksheet.

DUE: Wed. 12/9

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