Monday, January 25, 2010

Sketchbook #5: Word Play


A compound word is made when two independent words are joined together to make a new word. Select a compound word that interests you and will work for this assignment.

For example - "butterfly, pigpen, quarterback" (DO NOT USE THESE!)

You can find a list of compound words here.

1) Brainstorm several different ways you could illustrate this word if you were to base it upon the words used to make it, (see the illustration above).

2) Find and collect source imagery (in magazines, online, or other places) you can use to base your illustration on, but be careful: do not directly steal another artist's idea or concept!

3) Make a collage, trace elements of your source imagery, (like we did in class for our painting compositions), or draw your own elements that illustrate this compound word in a new, playful and creative way.

4) Your drawing should have an interesting composition: (use the entire space of the page, touch two or more sides), and should show strong studio skills, (shading, form/value, and craftsmanship). The drawing media you use is completely up to you!

DUE: Wednesday, Feb. 3rd

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